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Wednesday 8th May 2024

Problems We Can Solve

Expatriates and their employers are often unaware of their obligations or confused by the information they are given by the Inland Revenue when it comes to tax and social security compliance. There is little detail included in the PAYE and NIC guide books and most local Inland Revenue offices do not handle expatriate queries, even though the guide books tell you to contact them for help.

Sometimes it's also difficult to articulate all the concerns and anticipate all the problems of living and working in another country; often all you have is questions. Even if you’ve sent employees overseas before, a different country and a different employee can lead to different questions and, more alarmingly, different answers. As an individual, you may have worries about what tax you will pay where.

Below are some of the questions we’ve been asked before and have resolved for our clients.

  • He's still employed by our US parent and on their payroll; do we have to withhold PAYE and NIC? If so, how?
  • She lives in the UK, is paid in the UK but works overseas. Someone’s said she needs to pay tax overseas. Is that true?
  • Does he need a work permit?
  • Should we provide assistance with housing, relocation, taxes etc?
  • Surely, if you’re paid in the UK, then you must pay tax and NIC in the UK, right?
  • I want to pay tax and social security in that country; it’s cheaper. Can I?
  • Can I stay in my pension scheme?
  • How do I get a PAYE code, NI number, etc?